2013 – Decking/Playground

Children!!!!!! They are an important part of the family here at Crossroads Family Church. That is why the remodeling of the playground was such a high priority. Now children and those adults caring for them, are able to enjoy a beautiful deck which was built right off the nursery. Off the deck, they enter the playground which will be fully enclosed by a safety fence, keeping children safe to enjoy the great playground.


2012 – Sanctuary/Sound Booth

Wow! The new improvements on our building are just incredible! When you walk  into the building, especially our Sanctuary you will be amazed at what God has done. What a beautiful place to come to worship our amazing God!


2012 – Projector/Video Equipment

Praise the Lord we are currently installing our new projector equipment! We will now have two screens on either side of the platform for easy viewing of all the service material. We are so thankful for those who are doing the work, for the finances that have made it possible, and most importantly, for all that God is accomplishing through our church.